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Hanwoo Association Hosts K-Beef Seminar in Hong Kong



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Showcasing Hanwoo Butchering and Cooking to Drive Export Growth

The Hanwoo Association (Chairman Min Kyung-cheon) held an export seminar in Hong Kong as part of a strategic initiative to boost the exports of Hanwoo, or Korean beef.
In partnership with the Hanwoo Checkoff Board and the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs, the association organized the 2024 Hong Kong Hanwoo Export Seminar on August 20 at the Hong Kong Cricket Club, targeting local import buyers and partner companies.
This seminar, the first of its kind in Hong Kong, was designed to address anticipated challenges in the second half of the year due to the local economic downturn and to focus on expanding exports.
During the seminar, the association discussed current trends in the Hanwoo industry, reviewed export accomplishments from the first half of the year, and outlined upcoming export support initiatives. They also announced plans to provide education and consultation to local buyers.
Following the presentations, Yoo Hyeong-jin, CEO of Shinsun P&F and a master of Hanwoo butchering, led a demonstration on how to properly butcher Hanwoo. After the butchering demonstration, Ko Yong-jae, an executive and professional chef from the food tech company Deeplant, quickly transformed the butchered Hanwoo into a variety of dishes.
The seminar attracted over 120 participants, including local import buyers and partner companies, underscoring the strong demand for Hanwoo in Hong Kong.
Attendees, which included Hong Kong Hanwoo importers and members of the Korean community, shared positive feedback, noting that the event provided a firsthand look at the diverse appeal of Hanwoo and a deeper understanding of the product. 
On August 21 and 22, the association conducted on-site educational consultations for local buyers. Separate sessions were also organized for four companies—Elite Fresh Food, Oriole Food, Shinsegae Mart, and Galbi Town—focusing on Hanwoo butchering techniques and the development of various dishes featuring different cuts of Hanwoo.
The Hanwoo Association, in partnership with the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs, is actively working to expand Hanwoo exports under the innovative approach of “Incorporating Culture into Hanwoo." These initiatives have led to Hanwoo exports to Hong Kong reaching 18.64 tons in the first half of the year, a 15.7% increase from the previous year.

한우 해체쇼   요리시연       
Hanwoo butchering demonstration                                          Hanwoo cooking presentation            
행사장   단체 사진      
Overview of the seminar venue                                  Group photo of event participants